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Jo Copsey

And breath......

Finally, my first blog on this years weddings! It's been a completely crazy few months since restrictions were lifted, basically trying to fit 2 years weddings into 4 months, I'm not going to lie it's been absolutely exhausting and with flower prices through the roof and lack of availability on some flowers due to the huge demand worldwide, a very stressful time also, but with an amazing wholesaler, Flowervision, who bend over backwards for their florists, a great freelance team, supportive venues and fellow suppliers we have got through it!

My couples have also been wonderful considering the stresses they have had with most of them having moved their weddings from 2020 to 2021 with many having to juggle guests lists, dress fittings and trying to move all their suppliers to their new dates.

And last but not least my ever supportive hubby, my gorgeous twins and of course my Goldy Barney who have all been there with cuddles, a tidy house to come back to after long days, dinners cooked and a glass of wine in hand as I walk through the door ready to spend the evening making buttonholes and that's my Oscar speech finished!!!!

For some reason these weddings seemed all the more special as it was such an achievement on all parties to finally get up the aisle! I have to confess there were more than the odd emotional tear from me this year when I handed over the bouquets, many couples I've got to know really well over the last few years, some couples I've know since they booked their weddings in 2018 for 2020 then of course postponed to 2021!

The craziness has calmed down a bit so I'm having a bit of a breather, I'm gradually getting back the professional pictures from this years weddings to finally update the imagery on my website. The photographers like us have been flat out so I'm not going to chase any this year as they must be spending every waking moment editing!

I will do my best to Blog as many as I can but end of Nov gets busy again so you may have to wait till Jan! Here is my first blog on Natalie and Rahims Autumn wedding at the gorgeous

'Autumn rich reds and lush foliage vibes at Lapstone Barn'

Natalie and Rahim were meant to tie the knot in October 2020, they moved to April 2021 then again to this October so they were able to go back to their original theme of a rich Autumnal palette with pops of peachy and pink tones.

For the bouquets and arrangements we used stunning Quicksand Roses, these are the ultimate blush coloured Rose and have been so in demand this season, I can't tell you how many sleepless nights I've had worrying if they were going to be available and at what cost!, the darkest of burgundy Roses 'Black Baccara', peach and ivory avalanche Rose, burgundy Astilbe (the feathery little number), Wax Flower, Veronica and trailing Amaranthus.

There was a very handsome VIP guest at this wedding 'Bertie' the Golden Retriever, and being a Goldy owner myself it was an honour to make him his own flower collar!

For the aisle and to create that 'wow' impact when you walked into The Stone Barn we created a foliage chandelier with pops of dark red Amaranthus (I seemed to have spent this season under this chandelier)! At the end of the aisle against the beautiful Cotswold stone brickwork we added a copper frame with sprays of flowers with the aisle having simple but fitting bunches of foliage with flowing ribbons.

For the wedding breakfast tables in the Northwick Barn the couple wanted a mix of high and low arrangements so we went for gold metal cubes with arrangements up top so you can see the guests opposite still and shorter to see over!

The autumnal theme carried through to the styling with the round table in the snug adorned with logs, candles, votives and mosses and foliage draped over signage.

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